James Rogers

University of Cambridge


I am a Kavli Institute Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge. Previously, I held a NASA Postdoctoral Program fellowship at UCLA, mentored by Hilke Schlichting. I attained my PhD from Imperial College London in 2022, supervised by James Owen.

My research is based on exoplanet formation and evolution, specifically the various processes that occur to highly irradiated planets. I use numerical simulations and statistical modelling to rewind the clock on planet evolution. For more details, please see a list of my publications or my CV

If you interested in any of my work, please feel free to get in touch.

selected publications

  1. Fleeting but not Forgotten: the Imprint of Escaping Hydrogen Atmospheres on Super-Earth Interiors
    James G. Rogers, Hilke E. Schlichting, and Edward D. Young
    ApJ Jul 2024
  2. Under the light of a new star: evolution of planetary atmospheres through protoplanetary disc dispersal and boil-off
    James G. Rogers, James E. Owen, and Hilke E. Schlichting
    MNRAS Apr 2024
  3. Unveiling the planet population at birth
    James G. Rogers, and James E. Owen
    MNRAS May 2021